A Special April Holiday
At seven months pregnant, with Mother’s Day Date just around the corner, I have started to ask myself the question, “What is the role of a mother?” So far, I know it means the aches and pains of pregnancy and joy of little kicks. I have even considered the role of the father. What role will my husband play in raising our baby? As a “kid magnet” with high expectations of himself and others, I know he will provide endless hours of entertainment, help with homework, provide an example of sportsman-like conduct and plenty of rules about how to dress. Perhaps my first role as a mother was finding a good father.

The best example of motherhood in my life is my mother. My mother provided a framework for life and encouraged us to fill in the blanks. Endless hours of entertainment stimulated the mind, heart and soul. Homework was a playground for learning; an opportunity to ask countless questions about matters of the world. Sportsman-like conduct was a guide for how to treat people. Rules of dress were guidelines to aide in building self-esteem and respect for those around us.
My confidence, attitude and open-mindedness come from my mother. She taught me to love people and learning, and to give – if even just an ear. Until now, I’ve celebrated Mother’s Day for her. If I can do what she did to make the world a wonderful place for my children – Mother’s Day is an April Holiday we can share.
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